OMADS package



This is a python implementation of the orothognal mesh adaptive direct search method (OMADS)

class OMADS.POLL.DType(_prec: str = 'medium', _dtype: numpy.dtype = <class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype: numpy.dtype = <class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero: float = 1e-15, _warned: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

A numpy data type delegator for decimal precision control

  • prec (str, optional) – Default precision option can be set to “high”, “medium” or “low” precision resolution, defaults to “medium”

  • dtype (np.dtype, optional) – Numpy double data type precision, defaults to np.float64

  • itype (np.dtype, optional) – Numpy integer data type precision, defaults to

  • zero (float, optional) – Zero value resolution, defaults to np.finfo(np.float64).resolution

property zero: float

This is the mantissa value of the machine zero


machine precision zero resolution

Return type


property precision

Set/get precision resolution level


float precision value

Return type

numpy float


MS Windows does not support precision with the {1e-18} high resolution of the python numerical library (numpy) so high precision will be changed to medium precision which supports {1e-15} resolution check:

property dtype

Set/get the double formate type


float precision value

Return type

numpy float

property itype

Set/Get for the integer formate type


integer precision value

Return type

numpy float

__init__(_prec: str = 'medium', _dtype: numpy.dtype = <class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype: numpy.dtype = <class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero: float = 1e-15, _warned: bool = False) None
class OMADS.POLL.Options(seed: int = 0, budget: int = 1000, tol: float = 1e-09, psize_init: float = 1.0, display: bool = False, opportunistic: bool = False, check_cache: bool = False, store_cache: bool = False, collect_y: bool = False, rich_direction: bool = False, precision: str = 'high', save_results: bool = False, save_coordinates: bool = False, save_all_best: bool = False, parallel_mode: bool = False, np: int = 1)[source]

Bases: object

The running study and algorithmic options of OMADS

  • seed – Random generator seed

  • budget – The evaluation budget

  • tol – The threshold of the minimum poll size at which the run will be terminated

  • psize_init – Initial poll size

  • dispaly – Print the study progress during the run

  • opportunistic – Loop on the points populated in the poll set until a better minimum found, then stop the evaluation loop

  • check_cache – Check the hash table before points evaluation to avoid duplicates

  • store_cache – Enable storing evaluated points into the hash table

  • collect_y – Collect dependent design variables (required for DMDO)

  • rich_direction – Go with the rich direction (Impact the mesh size update)

  • precision – Define the precision level

  • save_results – A boolean flag that indicates saving results in a csv file

  • save_coordinates – A boolean flag that indicates saving coordinates of the poll set in a JSON file (required to generate animations of the spinner)

  • save_all_best – A boolean used to check whether saving best points only in the MADS.out file

  • parallel_mode – A boolean to check whether evaluating the poll set in parallel multiprocessing

  • np – The number of CPUs

seed: int = 0
budget: int = 1000
tol: float = 1e-09
psize_init: float = 1.0
display: bool = False
opportunistic: bool = False
check_cache: bool = False
store_cache: bool = False
collect_y: bool = False
rich_direction: bool = False
precision: str = 'high'
save_results: bool = False
save_coordinates: bool = False
save_all_best: bool = False
parallel_mode: bool = False
np: int = 1
__init__(seed: int = 0, budget: int = 1000, tol: float = 1e-09, psize_init: float = 1.0, display: bool = False, opportunistic: bool = False, check_cache: bool = False, store_cache: bool = False, collect_y: bool = False, rich_direction: bool = False, precision: str = 'high', save_results: bool = False, save_coordinates: bool = False, save_all_best: bool = False, parallel_mode: bool = False, np: int = 1) None
class OMADS.POLL.VAR_TYPE(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

class OMADS.POLL.Parameters(baseline: typing.List[float] = <factory>, lb: typing.List[float] = <factory>, ub: typing.List[float] = <factory>, var_names: typing.List[str] = <factory>, scaling: float = 10.0, post_dir: str = '/Users/ahmedb/apps/code/Bay_dev/OMADS/docs-dev/.\\', var_type: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, var_sets: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None, constants: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None, constants_name: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Variables and algorithmic parameters

  • baseline – Baseline design point (initial point x0)

  • lb – The variables lower bound

  • ub – The variables upper bound

  • var_names – The variables name

  • scaling – Scaling factor (can be defined as a list (assigning a factor for each variable) or a scalar value that will be applied on all variables)

  • post_dir – The location and name of the post directory where the output results file will live in (if any)

baseline: List[float]
lb: List[float]
ub: List[float]
var_names: List[str]
scaling: float = 10.0
post_dir: str = '/Users/ahmedb/apps/code/Bay_dev/OMADS/docs-dev/.\\'
var_type: List[str] = None
var_sets: Dict = None
constants: List = None
constants_name: List = None
__init__(baseline: typing.List[float] = <factory>, lb: typing.List[float] = <factory>, ub: typing.List[float] = <factory>, var_names: typing.List[str] = <factory>, scaling: float = 10.0, post_dir: str = '/Users/ahmedb/apps/code/Bay_dev/OMADS/docs-dev/.\\', var_type: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, var_sets: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None, constants: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None, constants_name: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None) None
class OMADS.POLL.Evaluator(blackbox: typing.Any = 'rosenbrock', commandOptions: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, internal: typing.Optional[str] = None, path: str = '..\\tests\\Rosen', input: str = 'input.inp', output: str = 'output.out', constants: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None, bb_eval: int = 0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), timeout: float = 1000000.0)[source]

Bases: object

Define the evaluator attributes and settings

  • blackbox – The blackbox name (it can be a callable function or an executable file)

  • commandOptions – Define options that will be added to the execution command of the executable file. Command options should be defined as a string in one line

  • internal – If the blackbox callable function is part of the internal benchmarking library

  • path – The path of the executable file (if any)

  • input – The input file name – should include the file extension

  • output – The output file name – should include the file extension

  • constants – Define constant parameters list, see the documentation in Tutorials->Blackbox evaluation->User parameters

  • _dtype – The precision delegator of the numpy library

  • timeout – The time out of the evaluation process

blackbox: Any = 'rosenbrock'
commandOptions: Any = None
internal: Optional[str] = None
path: str = '..\\tests\\Rosen'
input: str = 'input.inp'
output: str = 'output.out'
constants: List = None
bb_eval: int = 0
timeout: float = 1000000.0
property dtype
eval(values: List[float])[source]

Evaluate the poll point


values (List[float]) – Poll point coordinates (design vector)

  • IOError – Incorrect number of input arguments introduced to the callable function

  • IOError – Incorrect number of input arguments introduced to the callable function

  • IOError – The blackbox file is not an executable file (if not a callable function)

  • IOError – Incorrect benchmarking keyword category


Evaluated optimization functions

Return type

List[float, List[float]]

write_input(values: List[float])[source]



values (List[float]) – Write the variables in the input file

read_output() List[float][source]



Read the output values from the output file

Return type


__init__(blackbox: typing.Any = 'rosenbrock', commandOptions: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, internal: typing.Optional[str] = None, path: str = '..\\tests\\Rosen', input: str = 'input.inp', output: str = 'output.out', constants: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None, bb_eval: int = 0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), timeout: float = 1000000.0) None
class OMADS.POLL.Point(_n: int = 0, _coords: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _defined: typing.List[bool] = <factory>, _evaluated: bool = False, _f: float = inf, _freal: float = inf, _c_ineq: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _c_eq: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _h: float = inf, _signature: int = 0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), _var_type: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = None, _sets: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None, _var_link: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None)[source]

Bases: object

A class for the poll point

  • _n – # Dimension of the point

  • _coords – Coordinates of the point

  • _defined – Coordinates definition boolean

  • _evaluated – Evaluation boolean

  • _f – Objective function

  • _freal – Realistic target value of the objective function

  • _c_ineq – Inequality constraints

  • _c_eq – Equality constraints

  • _h – Aggregated constraints; active set

  • _signature – hash signature; facilitate looking for duplicates and storing coordinates, hash signature, in the cache memory

  • _dtype – numpy double data type precision

property var_type: List[int]
property sets
property dtype
property evaluated
property signature
property n_dimensions
property coordinates

Get the coordinates of the point.

property defined: List[bool]
is_any_defined() bool[source]

Check if at least one coordinate is defined.

property f
property freal
property c_ineq
property c_eq
property h
reset(n: int = 0, d: Optional[float] = None)[source]

Sets all coordinates to d.

__init__(_n: int = 0, _coords: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _defined: typing.List[bool] = <factory>, _evaluated: bool = False, _f: float = inf, _freal: float = inf, _c_ineq: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _c_eq: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _h: float = inf, _signature: int = 0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), _var_type: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = None, _sets: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None, _var_link: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None) None
class OMADS.POLL.OrthoMesh(_delta: float = -1.0, _Delta: float = -1.0, _rho: float = -1.0, _exp: int = 0, _mantissa: int = 1, psize_max: float = 0.0, psize_success: float = 0.0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False))[source]

Bases: object

Mesh coarsness update class

  • _delta – mesh size

  • _Delta – poll size

  • _rho – poll size to mesh size ratio

  • _exp – manage the poll size granularity for discrete variables. See Audet et. al, The mesh adaptive direct search algorithm for granular and discrete variable

  • _mantissa – Same as _exp

  • psize_max – Maximum poll size

  • psize_success – Poll size at successful evaluation

  • _dtype – numpy double data type precision

psize_max: float = 0.0
psize_success: float = 0.0
property dtype
property msize
property psize
property rho
__init__(_delta: float = -1.0, _Delta: float = -1.0, _rho: float = -1.0, _exp: int = 0, _mantissa: int = 1, psize_max: float = 0.0, psize_success: float = 0.0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False)) None
class OMADS.POLL.Cache(_hash_ID: typing.List[int] = <factory>, _cache_dict: typing.Dict[typing.Any, typing.Any] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

In computing, a hash table (hash map) is a data structure that implements an associative array abstract data type, a structure that can map keys to values. A hash table uses a hash function to compute an index, also called a hash code, into an array of buckets or slots, from which the desired value can be found. During lookup, the key is hashed and the resulting hash indicates where the corresponding value is stored.

property cache_dict: Dict

A getter of the cache memory dictionary

Return type


property hash_id: List[int]

A getter to return the list of hash IDs

Return type


property size: int

A getter of the size of the hash ID list

Return type


is_duplicate(x: OMADS.POLL.Point) bool[source]

Check if the point is in the cache memory


x (Point) – Design point


A boolean flag indicate whether the point exist in the cache memory

Return type


get_index(x: OMADS.POLL.Point) int[source]

Get the index of hash value, associated with the point x, if that point was saved in the cach memory


x (Point) – Input point


The index of the point in the hash ID list

Return type


add_to_cache(x: OMADS.POLL.Point)[source]

Save the point x to the cache memory


x (Point) – Evaluated point to be saved in the cache memory

__init__(_hash_ID: typing.List[int] = <factory>, _cache_dict: typing.Dict[typing.Any, typing.Any] = <factory>) None
class OMADS.POLL.Dirs2n(_poll_dirs: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point] = <factory>, _point_index: typing.List[int] = <factory>, _n: int = 0, _defined: typing.List[bool] = <factory>, scaling: typing.List[typing.List[float]] = <factory>, _xmin: OMADS.POLL.Point = Point(_n=0, _coords=[], _defined=[False], _evaluated=False, _f=inf, _freal=inf, _c_ineq=[], _c_eq=[], _h=inf, _signature=0, _dtype=DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), _var_type=None, _sets=None, _var_link=None), _nb_success: int = 0, _bb_eval: int = <factory>, _psize: float = <factory>, _iter: int = <factory>, hashtable: OMADS.POLL.Cache = <factory>, _check_cache: bool = True, _display: bool = True, _store_cache: bool = True, mesh: OMADS.POLL.OrthoMesh = <factory>, _opportunistic: bool = False, _eval_budget: int = 100, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), bb_handle: OMADS.POLL.Evaluator = <factory>, _success: bool = False, _seed: int = 0, _terminate: bool = False, _bb_output: typing.List[float] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

This is the orthognal 2n-directions class used for the poll step

  • _poll_dirs – Poll set (list of points)

  • _point_index – List of point indices

  • _n – Number of directions

  • _defined – A boolean that indicate if the poll points are defined

scaling: List[List[float]]
hashtable: OMADS.POLL.Cache
mesh: OMADS.POLL.OrthoMesh
bb_handle: OMADS.POLL.Evaluator
property bb_output: List[float]
property dtype
property point_index
property terminate
property seed
property success
property eval_budget
property opportunistic
property save_results
property store_cache
property check_cache
property display
__init__(_poll_dirs: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point] = <factory>, _point_index: typing.List[int] = <factory>, _n: int = 0, _defined: typing.List[bool] = <factory>, scaling: typing.List[typing.List[float]] = <factory>, _xmin: OMADS.POLL.Point = Point(_n=0, _coords=[], _defined=[False], _evaluated=False, _f=inf, _freal=inf, _c_ineq=[], _c_eq=[], _h=inf, _signature=0, _dtype=DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), _var_type=None, _sets=None, _var_link=None), _nb_success: int = 0, _bb_eval: int = <factory>, _psize: float = <factory>, _iter: int = <factory>, hashtable: OMADS.POLL.Cache = <factory>, _check_cache: bool = True, _display: bool = True, _store_cache: bool = True, mesh: OMADS.POLL.OrthoMesh = <factory>, _opportunistic: bool = False, _eval_budget: int = 100, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), bb_handle: OMADS.POLL.Evaluator = <factory>, _success: bool = False, _seed: int = 0, _terminate: bool = False, _bb_output: typing.List[float] = <factory>) None
property bb_eval
property psize
property iter
property poll_dirs
property dim
property defined
property xmin
property nb_success
create_housholder(is_rich: bool, domain: Optional[List[int]] = None) numpy.ndarray[source]

Create householder matrix


is_rich (bool) – A flag that indicates if the rich direction option is enabled


The householder matrix

Return type


create_poll_set(hhm: numpy.ndarray, ub: List[float], lb: List[float], it: int, var_type: List, var_sets: Dict, var_link: List[str])[source]

Create the poll directions

  • hhm (np.ndarray) – Householder matrix

  • ub (List[float]) – Variables upper bound

  • lb (List[float]) – Variables lower bound

  • it (int) – iteration

scale(ub: List[float], lb: List[float], factor: float = 10.0)[source]
eval_poll_point(index: int)[source]

Evaluate the point i on the poll set

master_updates(x: List[OMADS.POLL.Point], peval)[source]
class OMADS.POLL.PreMADS(data: Dict[Any, Any])[source]

Bases: object

Preprocessor for setting up optimization settings and parameters

__init__(data: Dict[Any, Any]) None
data: Dict[Any, Any]

MADS initialization

class OMADS.POLL.Output(file_path: str, vnames: typing.List[str], field_names: typing.List[str] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Results output file decorator

__init__(file_path: str, vnames: typing.List[str], field_names: typing.List[str] = <factory>) None
file_path: str
vnames: List[str]
file_writer: Any
field_names: List[str]
add_row(iterno: int, evalno: int, poll_size: float, h: float, f: float, x: List[float])[source]
class OMADS.POLL.PostMADS(x_incumbent: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point], xmin: OMADS.POLL.Point, coords: typing.List[typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point]] = <factory>, poll_dirs: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point] = <factory>, iter: typing.List[int] = <factory>, bb_eval: typing.List[int] = <factory>, psize: typing.List[float] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Results postprocessor

__init__(x_incumbent: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point], xmin: OMADS.POLL.Point, coords: typing.List[typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point]] = <factory>, poll_dirs: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point] = <factory>, iter: typing.List[int] = <factory>, bb_eval: typing.List[int] = <factory>, psize: typing.List[float] = <factory>) None
x_incumbent: List[OMADS.POLL.Point]
xmin: OMADS.POLL.Point
coords: List[List[OMADS.POLL.Point]]
poll_dirs: List[OMADS.POLL.Point]
iter: List[int]
bb_eval: List[int]
psize: List[float]
output_results(out: OMADS.POLL.Output)[source]

Create a results file from the saved cache

output_coordinates(out: OMADS.POLL.Output)[source]

Save spinners in a json file

OMADS.POLL.main(*args) Dict[str, Any][source]

Otho-MADS main algorithm

OMADS.POLL.rosen(x, p, *argv)[source]



Module contents

class OMADS.DType(_prec: str = 'medium', _dtype: numpy.dtype = <class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype: numpy.dtype = <class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero: float = 1e-15, _warned: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

A numpy data type delegator for decimal precision control

  • prec (str, optional) – Default precision option can be set to “high”, “medium” or “low” precision resolution, defaults to “medium”

  • dtype (np.dtype, optional) – Numpy double data type precision, defaults to np.float64

  • itype (np.dtype, optional) – Numpy integer data type precision, defaults to

  • zero (float, optional) – Zero value resolution, defaults to np.finfo(np.float64).resolution

property zero: float

This is the mantissa value of the machine zero


machine precision zero resolution

Return type


property precision

Set/get precision resolution level


float precision value

Return type

numpy float


MS Windows does not support precision with the {1e-18} high resolution of the python numerical library (numpy) so high precision will be changed to medium precision which supports {1e-15} resolution check:

property dtype

Set/get the double formate type


float precision value

Return type

numpy float

property itype

Set/Get for the integer formate type


integer precision value

Return type

numpy float

__init__(_prec: str = 'medium', _dtype: numpy.dtype = <class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype: numpy.dtype = <class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero: float = 1e-15, _warned: bool = False) None
class OMADS.Options(seed: int = 0, budget: int = 1000, tol: float = 1e-09, psize_init: float = 1.0, display: bool = False, opportunistic: bool = False, check_cache: bool = False, store_cache: bool = False, collect_y: bool = False, rich_direction: bool = False, precision: str = 'high', save_results: bool = False, save_coordinates: bool = False, save_all_best: bool = False, parallel_mode: bool = False, np: int = 1)[source]

Bases: object

The running study and algorithmic options of OMADS

  • seed – Random generator seed

  • budget – The evaluation budget

  • tol – The threshold of the minimum poll size at which the run will be terminated

  • psize_init – Initial poll size

  • dispaly – Print the study progress during the run

  • opportunistic – Loop on the points populated in the poll set until a better minimum found, then stop the evaluation loop

  • check_cache – Check the hash table before points evaluation to avoid duplicates

  • store_cache – Enable storing evaluated points into the hash table

  • collect_y – Collect dependent design variables (required for DMDO)

  • rich_direction – Go with the rich direction (Impact the mesh size update)

  • precision – Define the precision level

  • save_results – A boolean flag that indicates saving results in a csv file

  • save_coordinates – A boolean flag that indicates saving coordinates of the poll set in a JSON file (required to generate animations of the spinner)

  • save_all_best – A boolean used to check whether saving best points only in the MADS.out file

  • parallel_mode – A boolean to check whether evaluating the poll set in parallel multiprocessing

  • np – The number of CPUs

seed: int = 0
budget: int = 1000
tol: float = 1e-09
psize_init: float = 1.0
display: bool = False
opportunistic: bool = False
check_cache: bool = False
store_cache: bool = False
collect_y: bool = False
rich_direction: bool = False
precision: str = 'high'
save_results: bool = False
save_coordinates: bool = False
save_all_best: bool = False
parallel_mode: bool = False
np: int = 1
__init__(seed: int = 0, budget: int = 1000, tol: float = 1e-09, psize_init: float = 1.0, display: bool = False, opportunistic: bool = False, check_cache: bool = False, store_cache: bool = False, collect_y: bool = False, rich_direction: bool = False, precision: str = 'high', save_results: bool = False, save_coordinates: bool = False, save_all_best: bool = False, parallel_mode: bool = False, np: int = 1) None
class OMADS.Parameters(baseline: typing.List[float] = <factory>, lb: typing.List[float] = <factory>, ub: typing.List[float] = <factory>, var_names: typing.List[str] = <factory>, scaling: float = 10.0, post_dir: str = '/Users/ahmedb/apps/code/Bay_dev/OMADS/docs-dev/.\\', var_type: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, var_sets: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None, constants: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None, constants_name: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Variables and algorithmic parameters

  • baseline – Baseline design point (initial point x0)

  • lb – The variables lower bound

  • ub – The variables upper bound

  • var_names – The variables name

  • scaling – Scaling factor (can be defined as a list (assigning a factor for each variable) or a scalar value that will be applied on all variables)

  • post_dir – The location and name of the post directory where the output results file will live in (if any)

baseline: List[float]
lb: List[float]
ub: List[float]
var_names: List[str]
scaling: float = 10.0
post_dir: str = '/Users/ahmedb/apps/code/Bay_dev/OMADS/docs-dev/.\\'
var_type: List[str] = None
var_sets: Dict = None
constants: List = None
constants_name: List = None
__init__(baseline: typing.List[float] = <factory>, lb: typing.List[float] = <factory>, ub: typing.List[float] = <factory>, var_names: typing.List[str] = <factory>, scaling: float = 10.0, post_dir: str = '/Users/ahmedb/apps/code/Bay_dev/OMADS/docs-dev/.\\', var_type: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, var_sets: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None, constants: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None, constants_name: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None) None
class OMADS.Evaluator(blackbox: typing.Any = 'rosenbrock', commandOptions: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, internal: typing.Optional[str] = None, path: str = '..\\tests\\Rosen', input: str = 'input.inp', output: str = 'output.out', constants: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None, bb_eval: int = 0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), timeout: float = 1000000.0)[source]

Bases: object

Define the evaluator attributes and settings

  • blackbox – The blackbox name (it can be a callable function or an executable file)

  • commandOptions – Define options that will be added to the execution command of the executable file. Command options should be defined as a string in one line

  • internal – If the blackbox callable function is part of the internal benchmarking library

  • path – The path of the executable file (if any)

  • input – The input file name – should include the file extension

  • output – The output file name – should include the file extension

  • constants – Define constant parameters list, see the documentation in Tutorials->Blackbox evaluation->User parameters

  • _dtype – The precision delegator of the numpy library

  • timeout – The time out of the evaluation process

blackbox: Any = 'rosenbrock'
commandOptions: Any = None
internal: Optional[str] = None
path: str = '..\\tests\\Rosen'
input: str = 'input.inp'
output: str = 'output.out'
constants: List = None
bb_eval: int = 0
timeout: float = 1000000.0
property dtype
eval(values: List[float])[source]

Evaluate the poll point


values (List[float]) – Poll point coordinates (design vector)

  • IOError – Incorrect number of input arguments introduced to the callable function

  • IOError – Incorrect number of input arguments introduced to the callable function

  • IOError – The blackbox file is not an executable file (if not a callable function)

  • IOError – Incorrect benchmarking keyword category


Evaluated optimization functions

Return type

List[float, List[float]]

write_input(values: List[float])[source]



values (List[float]) – Write the variables in the input file

read_output() List[float][source]



Read the output values from the output file

Return type


__init__(blackbox: typing.Any = 'rosenbrock', commandOptions: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, internal: typing.Optional[str] = None, path: str = '..\\tests\\Rosen', input: str = 'input.inp', output: str = 'output.out', constants: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None, bb_eval: int = 0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), timeout: float = 1000000.0) None
class OMADS.Point(_n: int = 0, _coords: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _defined: typing.List[bool] = <factory>, _evaluated: bool = False, _f: float = inf, _freal: float = inf, _c_ineq: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _c_eq: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _h: float = inf, _signature: int = 0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), _var_type: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = None, _sets: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None, _var_link: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None)[source]

Bases: object

A class for the poll point

  • _n – # Dimension of the point

  • _coords – Coordinates of the point

  • _defined – Coordinates definition boolean

  • _evaluated – Evaluation boolean

  • _f – Objective function

  • _freal – Realistic target value of the objective function

  • _c_ineq – Inequality constraints

  • _c_eq – Equality constraints

  • _h – Aggregated constraints; active set

  • _signature – hash signature; facilitate looking for duplicates and storing coordinates, hash signature, in the cache memory

  • _dtype – numpy double data type precision

property var_type: List[int]
property sets
property dtype
property evaluated
property signature
property n_dimensions
property coordinates

Get the coordinates of the point.

property defined: List[bool]
is_any_defined() bool[source]

Check if at least one coordinate is defined.

property f
property freal
property c_ineq
property c_eq
property h
reset(n: int = 0, d: Optional[float] = None)[source]

Sets all coordinates to d.

__init__(_n: int = 0, _coords: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _defined: typing.List[bool] = <factory>, _evaluated: bool = False, _f: float = inf, _freal: float = inf, _c_ineq: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _c_eq: typing.List[float] = <factory>, _h: float = inf, _signature: int = 0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), _var_type: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = None, _sets: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None, _var_link: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None) None
class OMADS.OrthoMesh(_delta: float = -1.0, _Delta: float = -1.0, _rho: float = -1.0, _exp: int = 0, _mantissa: int = 1, psize_max: float = 0.0, psize_success: float = 0.0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False))[source]

Bases: object

Mesh coarsness update class

  • _delta – mesh size

  • _Delta – poll size

  • _rho – poll size to mesh size ratio

  • _exp – manage the poll size granularity for discrete variables. See Audet et. al, The mesh adaptive direct search algorithm for granular and discrete variable

  • _mantissa – Same as _exp

  • psize_max – Maximum poll size

  • psize_success – Poll size at successful evaluation

  • _dtype – numpy double data type precision

psize_max: float = 0.0
psize_success: float = 0.0
property dtype
property msize
property psize
property rho
__init__(_delta: float = -1.0, _Delta: float = -1.0, _rho: float = -1.0, _exp: int = 0, _mantissa: int = 1, psize_max: float = 0.0, psize_success: float = 0.0, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False)) None
class OMADS.Cache(_hash_ID: typing.List[int] = <factory>, _cache_dict: typing.Dict[typing.Any, typing.Any] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

In computing, a hash table (hash map) is a data structure that implements an associative array abstract data type, a structure that can map keys to values. A hash table uses a hash function to compute an index, also called a hash code, into an array of buckets or slots, from which the desired value can be found. During lookup, the key is hashed and the resulting hash indicates where the corresponding value is stored.

property cache_dict: Dict

A getter of the cache memory dictionary

Return type


property hash_id: List[int]

A getter to return the list of hash IDs

Return type


property size: int

A getter of the size of the hash ID list

Return type


is_duplicate(x: OMADS.POLL.Point) bool[source]

Check if the point is in the cache memory


x (Point) – Design point


A boolean flag indicate whether the point exist in the cache memory

Return type


get_index(x: OMADS.POLL.Point) int[source]

Get the index of hash value, associated with the point x, if that point was saved in the cach memory


x (Point) – Input point


The index of the point in the hash ID list

Return type


add_to_cache(x: OMADS.POLL.Point)[source]

Save the point x to the cache memory


x (Point) – Evaluated point to be saved in the cache memory

__init__(_hash_ID: typing.List[int] = <factory>, _cache_dict: typing.Dict[typing.Any, typing.Any] = <factory>) None
class OMADS.Dirs2n(_poll_dirs: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point] = <factory>, _point_index: typing.List[int] = <factory>, _n: int = 0, _defined: typing.List[bool] = <factory>, scaling: typing.List[typing.List[float]] = <factory>, _xmin: OMADS.POLL.Point = Point(_n=0, _coords=[], _defined=[False], _evaluated=False, _f=inf, _freal=inf, _c_ineq=[], _c_eq=[], _h=inf, _signature=0, _dtype=DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), _var_type=None, _sets=None, _var_link=None), _nb_success: int = 0, _bb_eval: int = <factory>, _psize: float = <factory>, _iter: int = <factory>, hashtable: OMADS.POLL.Cache = <factory>, _check_cache: bool = True, _display: bool = True, _store_cache: bool = True, mesh: OMADS.POLL.OrthoMesh = <factory>, _opportunistic: bool = False, _eval_budget: int = 100, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), bb_handle: OMADS.POLL.Evaluator = <factory>, _success: bool = False, _seed: int = 0, _terminate: bool = False, _bb_output: typing.List[float] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

This is the orthognal 2n-directions class used for the poll step

  • _poll_dirs – Poll set (list of points)

  • _point_index – List of point indices

  • _n – Number of directions

  • _defined – A boolean that indicate if the poll points are defined

scaling: List[List[float]]
hashtable: OMADS.POLL.Cache
mesh: OMADS.POLL.OrthoMesh
bb_handle: OMADS.POLL.Evaluator
property bb_output: List[float]
property dtype
property point_index
property terminate
property seed
property success
property eval_budget
property opportunistic
property save_results
property store_cache
property check_cache
property display
__init__(_poll_dirs: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point] = <factory>, _point_index: typing.List[int] = <factory>, _n: int = 0, _defined: typing.List[bool] = <factory>, scaling: typing.List[typing.List[float]] = <factory>, _xmin: OMADS.POLL.Point = Point(_n=0, _coords=[], _defined=[False], _evaluated=False, _f=inf, _freal=inf, _c_ineq=[], _c_eq=[], _h=inf, _signature=0, _dtype=DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), _var_type=None, _sets=None, _var_link=None), _nb_success: int = 0, _bb_eval: int = <factory>, _psize: float = <factory>, _iter: int = <factory>, hashtable: OMADS.POLL.Cache = <factory>, _check_cache: bool = True, _display: bool = True, _store_cache: bool = True, mesh: OMADS.POLL.OrthoMesh = <factory>, _opportunistic: bool = False, _eval_budget: int = 100, _dtype: OMADS.POLL.DType = DType(_prec='medium', _dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, _itype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, _zero=1e-15, _warned=False), bb_handle: OMADS.POLL.Evaluator = <factory>, _success: bool = False, _seed: int = 0, _terminate: bool = False, _bb_output: typing.List[float] = <factory>) None
property bb_eval
property psize
property iter
property poll_dirs
property dim
property defined
property xmin
property nb_success
create_housholder(is_rich: bool, domain: Optional[List[int]] = None) numpy.ndarray[source]

Create householder matrix


is_rich (bool) – A flag that indicates if the rich direction option is enabled


The householder matrix

Return type


create_poll_set(hhm: numpy.ndarray, ub: List[float], lb: List[float], it: int, var_type: List, var_sets: Dict, var_link: List[str])[source]

Create the poll directions

  • hhm (np.ndarray) – Householder matrix

  • ub (List[float]) – Variables upper bound

  • lb (List[float]) – Variables lower bound

  • it (int) – iteration

scale(ub: List[float], lb: List[float], factor: float = 10.0)[source]
eval_poll_point(index: int)[source]

Evaluate the point i on the poll set

master_updates(x: List[OMADS.POLL.Point], peval)[source]
class OMADS.PreMADS(data: Dict[Any, Any])[source]

Bases: object

Preprocessor for setting up optimization settings and parameters

__init__(data: Dict[Any, Any]) None
data: Dict[Any, Any]

MADS initialization

class OMADS.Output(file_path: str, vnames: typing.List[str], field_names: typing.List[str] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Results output file decorator

__init__(file_path: str, vnames: typing.List[str], field_names: typing.List[str] = <factory>) None
file_path: str
vnames: List[str]
file_writer: Any
field_names: List[str]
add_row(iterno: int, evalno: int, poll_size: float, h: float, f: float, x: List[float])[source]
class OMADS.PostMADS(x_incumbent: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point], xmin: OMADS.POLL.Point, coords: typing.List[typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point]] = <factory>, poll_dirs: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point] = <factory>, iter: typing.List[int] = <factory>, bb_eval: typing.List[int] = <factory>, psize: typing.List[float] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Results postprocessor

__init__(x_incumbent: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point], xmin: OMADS.POLL.Point, coords: typing.List[typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point]] = <factory>, poll_dirs: typing.List[OMADS.POLL.Point] = <factory>, iter: typing.List[int] = <factory>, bb_eval: typing.List[int] = <factory>, psize: typing.List[float] = <factory>) None
x_incumbent: List[OMADS.POLL.Point]
xmin: OMADS.POLL.Point
coords: List[List[OMADS.POLL.Point]]
poll_dirs: List[OMADS.POLL.Point]
iter: List[int]
bb_eval: List[int]
psize: List[float]
output_results(out: OMADS.POLL.Output)[source]

Create a results file from the saved cache

output_coordinates(out: OMADS.POLL.Output)[source]

Save spinners in a json file

OMADS.main(*args) Dict[str, Any][source]

Otho-MADS main algorithm